Message From Father Boyd – March 23, 2020

March 23, 2020 (Memorial Feast St. Turibius of Mogrovejo)

Members of Holy Rosary Parish:

We begin the Fourth Week of Lent. Let us keep one another in our prayer. Especially remember those feeling isolated and alone, the sick, and all those afflicted by the pandemic. For those worried and anxious for the future let us place all our trust in Christ who will calm the storm. In today’s gospel, a royal official asks Jesus if he will come and cure his dying son. Jesus says to him his son will live. The man believes and begins his journey home. When he arrives home is son is well. Jesus has healed him. Only Jesus has the power to heal us. He can heal the world. Let us pray with intense heart for the healing of the world, for those who have died. For an end to the pandemic. For an end to the economic disruption. But let us also understand when the man goes home it is no longer the same. Christ now lives in his home and life can no longer be as it was. It now means a change of heart, towards one another, towards our neighbor , towards those afflicted frightened and afraid. Jesus is calling us also today to a change of heart and attitude towards one another, towards our world. Pray and help one another. To help heal the world. Love and encourage one another. Speak at home only words of charity and kindness. Hold one’s tongue when we feel agitated or frightened. Speak only words of Christ. Act in love. Pray together as a family. Members of the parish are uniting in prayer with one another saying the Rosary at exactly 4 PM each day in our homes. Ask Our Lady to bring our prayers to her Son for a cures to be found and end to pandemic.

Brief Updates:

1. To all who have called in to join the Care For Neighbours Team thank you. To those who have been sent out to help neighours my gratitude. To have a list of people available I can call upon is a great help.
2. I thank all who have been bringing in dry foods for the food pantry. The doors to the office are open and you can place food stuffs in the baskets.
3. Empty bottles for refunds is suspended until further notice. The refund store is closed.
4. Any prayer requests, Mass intentions, offerings, can be placed in the mail slot inside by the office door.
5. Those seeking confessions by phone only. The office will put you through to my Office on FRIDAYS between 1:30 PM-3PM. ( 519-822-4701) I ask all to be brief in your confession. Others may be on hold waiting for a line.
6. This past Sunday a number of sample families watched the 9 AM Mass live streamed through Holy Rosary website. Instructions on how to watch the live streamed Mass next Sunday (Fifth Sunday of Lent) will soon be sent to you.
7. Salt & Light Catholic Masses can be seen Daily 6:30 AM, 11:00 AM, 3:00 PM, 10:30 PM. Daily Mass said by Pope Francis 9:30 AM.
8. An Adoration Eucharistic Shrine has been set up that can be seen through the office window from your car or walking by. You are welcome to stop, park, and pray in your car or outside. The Shine will remain 24 hours a day for spiritual consolation.
9. Welcome back all members from travel returning home. We pray for you as you enter into self-isolation. Welcome back to Rusty & Jean Lovelock from Portugal and Gabe & Angie Gazzola from Africa.
10. The Sunday Mass intentions were offered for intentions of Giuseppina Facchini, the living and deceased of the Parish, and for the repose of Gineta Zilio. Today’s Mass intention was offered for the intentions of Romy Atienza and Peter Toscan.

Fr. Vernon P. Boyd S.J.
Holy Rosary Parish, 175 Emma Street, Guelph, ON, N1E 1V6
519-822-4701 x 22