March 24, 2020 (Fourth Tuesday in Lent)
Parish Update
Members of Holy Rosary Parish:
Today in the first reading the prophet Ezekiel sees a vision. A vision of running water pouring out of the temple towards the East. He steps into the water at first ankle deep, then knee deep, and finally waist high. The water is clear and beautiful and God shows Ezekiel trees growing tall and producing fruits of all kinds along the riverbank When Jesus sees the invalid sick in the temple beside the pool of healing water he helps him and tells him to take up his mat and walk. Today, God is saying to Ezekiel to the invalid, to all of us, to take that step, that leap of faith, that plunge forward, to take up our mat and walk into waters clear and beautiful. The waters are the waters of heaven. They are they are the waters of his Son. The waters that flow from his side from the cross, his waters of a love that can heal our broken world. He is calling us to come back to God and step into waters of faith that will help make life clear and beautiful again. His waters have the power to heal cleanse, and purify us. In so many ways we have poisoned the waters and the world caused by our moral and natural pollution. Refusing to love, refusing to be prudent, refusing to share, over consumption and refusing to care for natural waters of the world. Today, let us appreciate the rivers of God. The river is love. Let us pray for the sick, those afflicted by the virus, for first responders, doctors , nurses, for a cure and end to the pandemic.
Brief Updates:
Thanks to all bringing dry goods to the parish food pantry.
Bishop has written to inform all Parishes in the Diocese that the Holy Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday) and the Easter Masses will in fact be cancelled.
The intention of today’s Mass offered privately for the repose of the soul of Mike Marchesano.
Be united with members praying the Rosary in our homes at exactly 4 PM Daily.
The Blessed Sacrament can be seen through the Office Window. You can pray in your car or pray outside the window before our Lord.
If you know any member of the Parish who needs help getting groceries or pick up at pharmacy and wants help I have a long list of willing volunteers willing. Thanks volunteers. Drop delivery at their front door. Keep a check on them.
I am compiling list of emails with as many members of parish possible. Many emails are old and out of date. Some have changed. If you know someone who wants these updates let me know. If you do not want updates also please let me know.
We are attempting to LIVE STREAM the Parish Mass at 9AM this coming Sunday March 29. Details will be forthcoming. Reminder that the church is closed and not open to public.
Courage. Praying for you. With my blessing,
Fr. Vernon P. Boyd S.J.
Holy Rosary Parish, 175 Emma Street, Guelph, ON, N1E 1V6
519-822-4701 x 22