April 20, 2020 (Eastertide Monday)
Parish Update
There are moments in life when we all face tough times. Events in life when everything seems to be coming apart and crashing down around us. A sudden illness, financial distress, a friendship on the brink, family turmoil, or getting lost on the road to somewhere. These are some of those big events and little events in life when we find ourselves in a terrible jam. Moments such as these can bring fear, panic, and that sick feeling to one’s stomach. A good man once told the story he was on the way to an important appointment. Recently arrived in Canada, looking for a job, no doubt worried and concerned for his family, he entered the Canadian Employment office, and found all the wickets closed for lunch. However, a clerk behind the wicket chose to open for him. He explained his credentials, his need for work, and the clerk said, it just so happens there is a job available for you, but you must be at this interview within the hour. He drove to the address but he got lost on the way. He was now facing one of those impossible situations in life. Completely lost, he pulled to the side of the road, and he began to pray. Suddenly he hears a knock on the car window. It is a policeman asking him if he needs help. The man in the car explains he is on his way to his job interview and he is lost. And the policeman kindly tells the man to follow him and that he will take him to the address. The man gets the job and he will work as an aeronautical engineer for the rest of his life providing for his family. Now the world might call this coincidence. A kind clerk opening the wicket when she did not have to. A kind policeman from out of nowhere coming to the rescue. These are moments when God intervenes. He helps us if we ask. These events are not mere coincidence. Prayer brings answer to the most impossible situations in life. In the mass readings today, the disciples are inexplicably released from custody. They are in a very serious place in life standing before hostile authorities prepared to sentence them to death. But they are released. They come home and tell their friends who immediately see the hand of God at work and they thank God. When Jesus explains to Nicodemus a person must be born of the spirit in order to see the kingdom of God he is confused and does not understand what Jesus is talking about. He asks Jesus how can a person be reborn twice. But Jesus explains one is not reborn physically but spiritually. When we are immersed in faith, in prayer, in love for God and others, attend to the sacraments, when we place our life in the hands of God in all those tough situations in life, then Jesus says, the spirit of God, is like the wind that blows where it chooses. And even though we hear the sound of it, and not know where it comes from or where it goes, like a knock on the window of a car door, and help a good man find his way to a job interview, so it is, for all those born of the Spirit, there is no situation that is impossible for God. Jesus invites us to be born of the Spirit in order to see the Kingdom of God. Scripture Ref: Acts 4.23-31 John 3.1-8
Thank you to all who have signed up to help CARE FOR NEIGHBOURS TEAM. Those who have been asked to help a neighbour please keep a check on them.
Mass today is offered for the repose of the soul of Annie Cardenas & for the intentions of Luigi & Bernardetta Bonaldo on the occasion of their 60th Wedding Annniversary. Congratulations Luigi & Bernardetta!
Pray the Rosary at 4 PM in your homes offering prayers for end of the pandemic , the sick and afflicted, nurses, doctors, first responders, all serving the community for their health and safety. Remember all Volunteers we honour this coming Volunteer Appreciation Week. Esp in these times when so many are helping those in need. Remember especially our parish nurses and doctors.
Mail drop off at the Rectory mail box kitchen door. Place prayer requests, Mass intentions, messages, envelopes, letters. The mail box is carefully monitored. Again thank you for your offerings. They are helping me pay for the lights and heat!
Today marks the first anniversary of our One Heart One Soul Campaign. A huge thank you for making a huge success for the Parish and Diocese and for your continued support. When the church reopens we will continue to prepare for repairs!
Dry food items for food pantry can be placed in the grey bin outside office entrance doors. Thanks for the donations.
Reminder this Second Sunday of Easter 9 AM Mass will be live streamed. Instructions are posted on the Parish Website https://holyrosaryguelph.ca/ under the “MASSES” header on the home page of website. A link to a recording of the previous Sunday Mass is also available in the same location.
The Diocese has informed me today all parishes and parish offices closures are now extended to May 12th, 2020.
Holy Rosary School community wants to help the Parish Food pantry. Thank you students and families for your contribution of non- perishable food items, toiletries, to the grey bin outside office door. Under the direction of
Teacher Ms. Lisa De Angelis students are invited to decorate a rock to create a beautiful garden below the Prayer Window where the Blessed Sacrament is viewed as a prayer to help end the pandemic. Students are offering prayers for humanity.
Courage everyone. Pray. With my blessing.
Fr. Vernon P. Boyd S.J.
Holy Rosary Parish, 175 Emma Street, Guelph, ON, N1E 1V6
519-822-4701 x 22 www.holyrosaryguelph.ca