April 24, 2020 (Eastertide Friday)
Parish Update
There are great men and women who rise up at the right time and the right place in history. One great man in Jewish and Christian history is Gamaliel. A respected Pharisee and wise teacher of Jewish theology and philosophy he is sitting in council when the disciples of Jesus are brought for interrogation. A death sentence is fast approaching. Gamaliel rises to speak and he changes the course of history. He warns by saying if the disciples are doing the work of God it will continue, however, if it is of human origin it will not last. The disciples were released and they continued their work proclaiming Jesus. In 1989 at the University of El Salvador a civil war was raging and government forces broke into the Jesuit Residence and massacred 6 Jesuit professors, their cook, and her daughter. The government made a fatal mistake. It believed the work of the Jesuits was of human origin and could easily be eliminated. What the government failed to realize, as Gamaliel was wise to realize, is that the work of justice, the work of mercy, the work of love, the work of faith is not found in human origin. These are works found in God and can never be eliminated. In response to the murders the Society of Jesus called for Jesuits to volunteer to take the place of the six murdered Jesuits. A Canadian Jesuit rose to the challenge and continue the work. Very brave. Great men and great women rise up at the right time and the right place in history. The Jesuit volunteering was Fr. Michael Czerny, SJ. A few months ago, Pope Francis presented Fr. Czerny for his service to faith and justice, with the Cardinal’s hat. Fr. Czerny continues the work of God.
The Mass readings today point out the works of God can never be eliminated from this world. God’s works will continue until the end of time. Whereas, works of human origin or works that are not of God, will not last, and will one day be swept away into the dust bin of history. Everyone in El Salvador will remember the names of the six murdered Jesuits, their cook, and her daughter. The names of the killers will not be remembered. When Jesus feeds the starving crowd with only five loaves of bread and two fish, they are fed to the full, and baskets of fragments are collected. It is a work of God to feed the starving to the full. God needs only a few fragments to complete his work. The six Jesuits, their cook, and her daughter are the fragments that continue the work of God feeding the poor, the starving, healing a broken hungry nation. Fr. Czerny saw the need and he was willing to pick up the fragments. Gamaliel saw it a long time ago, and rising up at the right time and right place, he predicts if a work is of God it cannot be stopped.
Thank you to Holy Rosary & St. Patrick’s Catholic School principal, teachers, students, and families for encouraging your children to bring food for the poor to the grey bin outside the Church doors. Also for bringing a personally designed prayer rock placed in the prayer garden below the Blessed Sacrament window where our Lord looks out towards the world. Thanks for praying for the sick and afflicted before Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.
Thanks to all who have signed up to help CARE FOR NEIGHBOURS TEAM. Those who have been assigned to help a neighbour calling for help continue to please keep a check on them.
Mass today is offered for the repose of the souls of Bruno & Ida Cavasotto. Also offered for the intentions of those living in poverty and squalor. Please remember prayers for the residents and workers of Country Village Nursing Home in Woodslee, Ontario, many of whom are stricken by the Covid-19 virus. Continued prayers for the innocent victims of tragic shooting in Nova Scotia. And for the safety of all police officers throughout the nation.
Pray the Rosary at 4 PM in your homes offering prayers for end of the pandemic, the sick, the afflicted, nurses, doctors, personal care workers serving in our hospitals and nursing homes.
Mail drop off at the Rectory mail box kitchen door. Place prayer requests, Mass intentions, messages, envelopes and letters. The mail box is carefully monitored. Again thank you for your offerings. They are helping me pay for the lights and heat!
This week marks the first anniversary of our One Heart, One Soul Campaign. A huge thank you for making a huge success for the Parish and Diocese and for your continued support. We will continue to prepare for repairs!
Dry food items for food pantry can be placed in the grey bin outside office entrance doors. Thanks for the donations.
Reminder this Third Sunday of Easter 9 AM Mass will be live streamed. Instructions are posted on the Parish Website https://holyrosaryguelph.ca/ under the “MASSES” header on the home page of website. A link to a recording of the previous Sunday Mass is also available in the same location.
The Diocese has informed me today all parishes and parish offices closures are now extended to May 12th, 2020.
Holy Rosary Catholic Women’s League will sew 100 protectives gowns for medical staff for St. Joseph’s. Any parishioner willing to help, or donate thread, can call President Cathy Whyte @ 519- 824-5115.
Can Catholic Evangelize at a Time Like This? Free Virtual Catholic Summit April 25th, 12PM – 3PM. If interested contact communications@newevangelization.ca
Support Catholic Education Week May 03-08. Bishop Crosby will celebrate a Live Streamed Mass offered for our Teachers and Students May 08, 2020 @ 11 AM. A link to the Mass will be forthcoming.
Courage everyone. Pray. With my blessing.
Fr. Vernon P. Boyd S.J.
Holy Rosary Parish, 175 Emma Street, Guelph, ON, N1E 1V6
519-822-4701 x 22 www.holyrosaryguelph.ca