Message From Father Boyd – April 29, 2020

April 29, 2020  (Eastertide Wednesday & Memorial St. Catherine of Siena)

Parish Update

A family of the parish went on a road trip and nearing supper time stopped at a restaurant along the way.  They were the only ones in the restaurant when a young man on a motorcycle also came in for his supper.  Seated close to the family they saw he was alone and invited him to have supper with them.  He accepted the invitation and they enjoyed conversation, friendship, and supper together.    When they had finished the family insisted on buying the young man’s supper, offered their thanks, and good byes, and a grateful young man went off happily ahead of the family.  As the family continued down the road they came upon a tragic accident.  It was the young man on a motorcycle with whom they had just met and shared supper.  He lost control of his bike and he was killed.  It was a moment in life the family never forgot.

In the Mass readings today, Jesus says I am the Bread of Life.  Whoever comes to me will never be hungry and will never be thirsty and I will never drive away.  Jesus will never drive away anyone.   He will never drive away our families, our friends, neighbours, or even a young man on a motorcycle.  He only welcomes.  A kind family welcomed a young man on a motorcycle for supper, his last supper, who they did not ignore, or  leave him alone to eat, or on the road alone, but chose to engage him in conversation, offered kindness, and welcomed him.  Like the kind family that welcomed a young man to meal, Jesus too, welcomes us to sit with him at supper.  And offers us the Bread of Heaven.  He never drives away, ignores, or leaves anyone alone to eat.  Jesus only welcomes, to sit with him, to eat with him, to share an eternal meal with him, and eat the eternal Bread.  He is the eternal Bread.  The eternal  Bread at Mass.  Before Jesus dies he calls his disciples to share in the eternal Bread.  In the first reading, Stephen is killed and has become the first martyr of the faith.  But, before he dies, he looks up to heaven, and he sees the eternal Bread.  We might ask ourselves how did a family share the eternal Bread with a young man in a restaurant before he died?  He received it just as millions do today, in this time of pandemic, in spiritual communion.  The Bread we receive in hand or in spiritual communion of heart, is the meal of Friendship, the bread of Kindness, the supper of Love.  A young man on a motorcycle, before he died, when he received his last supper in this world, was being prepared by a kind family, to share in the eternal Bread forever.    (Scriptural Ref:   Acts 8.1-8   John 6.35-40)

Important Announcement:

The Bishops of Canada and the USA have decreed that all Dioceses and parishes are to be consecrated to Mary,  Mother of Our Lord,   on May 01, 2020 @ 3 PM the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker.   The consecration is seeking Mary’s protection to keep safe our families, homes, and parishes during this time of pandemic.  I will consecrate the parish on your behalf united in prayer and faith with you.    You might want to say the prayer of consecration in your homes at 3 PM this Friday May 01, 2020.

Prayer of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of Our Lord

“Mary, Mother of Our Lord,  may the Cross of your Son,  planted in our hearts, be known as the Tree of Life, whose fruit is visible and available to all in the garden of this world.    WE place out parishes, dioceses, homes and families,  under your protection, in the sanctuary of your Holy Heart for we know that there we will find Jesus, who lives and reigns with the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever.  Amen.”         Say one Our Father, three Hail Mary’s, and one Glory Be.      


Thank you to Holy Rosary Catholic  & St. Patrick’s  Catholic School’s principals, teachers, students, and families for encouraging your children to bring food for the poor to the grey bin outside the church doors.   For placing a prayer rock in the  garden below the Blessed Sacrament window.  Thanks for praying for the sick and afflicted  before Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.

Mass this morning was offered for Malvina & Salvatore Furlan,  for Jennie Cousineau.   Also today for the intentions of Joseph & Barbara Holody on the occasion of the 68th Wedding Anniversary. Congratulations Joe & Barbara!              

Thanks for those who signed up for Care for Neighbours Team.   Those assigned please keep a check on your neighbours.

Pray the  Rosary at 4 PM in your homes offering prayers for end of the pandemic , the sick and afflicted,  for all nurses, doctors,  and personal care workers.  Pray for all nursing homes.   Also offer prayers for the repose of the soul of  Berto Conte, son of Rita Conte,  received into God’s mercy this day.   Private funeral with family Friday.         

Mail drop off at the Rectory mail box kitchen door.  Place prayer requests, Mass intentions,  messages, envelopes, letters.  The mail box is carefully monitored.  Thanks for your continued offerings.  Very much appreciated.

Dry food items for food pantry can be placed in the grey bin outside office entrance doors.   Thanks for the donations.



Reminder that the  Fourth Sunday Easter 9 AM Mass will be live streamed.  Instructions are posted on the Parish Website  under the “MASSES” header on the home page of website.  A link to a recording of the previous Sunday Mass is also available in the same location.

The Diocese confirmed that all parishes and parish offices closures are now extended to May 12th, 2020.

Support  Catholic Education Week May 03-08.   Bishop Crosby will celebrate a Live Streamed Mass offered for our  Teachers and Students  May 08, 2020 @ 11 AM.  A link to the Mass will be forthcoming.


Courage everyone.  Pray.  With my blessing.

Fr. Vernon P. Boyd S.J.


Holy Rosary Parish, 175 Emma Street, Guelph, ON, N1E 1V6

519-822-4701 x  22