Message From Father Boyd – May 20, 2020

May 20, 2020  Eastertide Wednesday Sixth Week

Parish Update

There is a gentle nature about God.  He wants creation, all he has made, the grass, the trees, the creatures of the earth, human life, to grow, and live.  God gently pours into life what it needs to know in order to live, tells it what it must do in order for it to grow and bloom, and declares at the right time and the right place how to flourish.  God will not overwhelm the human soul with more than it can handle.   God is gentle.  If a soul was to learn everything, all at once, all that God knows, it would be too much for the human mind or for that soul to handle.  It is for this reason God ever so gently, slowly, reveals what he knows.  Regardless of a short life or a long life, God spends his time teaching, guiding, encouraging, loving a soul into the knowledge and love of God.  Teaching and preparing the soul for heaven.  If a child asks a parent to tell them everything they know, a parent will simply smile, and tell a child what the child needs to know appropriate to their age and lived experience.  If a teacher reveals to his or her students on the first day of class, everything the student will be taught in the year, it would be an impossible and absurd thing to do, and then expect the student to understand or comprehend.  A good teacher takes the time, one day at a time, helping a student to learn, bringing them into a deeper understanding and knowledge of the world.  And so it is with God who takes the time with us to help his creatures grow in deeper understanding of the love of God.  To help the soul understand and comprehend takes a lifetime.  This God knows.

In the Mass readings today, the apostle Paul travels to Athens and for the first time in the history of the world the Athenians hear the story of Jesus.  They are amazed and they are curious and they want to know everything.  But Paul knows they are but infants in their understanding of God.  And so Paul takes the time.  He explains the story of God, the story of his creation, the story of Jesus, the story of his death and resurrection on the Cross.  The Athenians hear for the first time the story of God’s love.  And many want to know more.  But Paul does not overwhelm or expect the Athenians to grasp it all at once.  Paul takes his time.  He is gentle.  God is gentle.  It is important to be gentle with others, with one’s self, gentle with friends, and with family, to help one another the time to grow, to learn, to ask questions, to pray.  God gives us the time.  In the gospel today, Jesus says to his disciples, I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.  In other words Jesus is saying there is more to discover all in good time.  God will reveal more in time.  Take each day, one day at a  time, one step of faith, one step at a time.  Let each day be a gentle day, growing further, deeper in the love and mercy of God.

Prayers Requested:

For those suffering depression, anxiety, and fear.

For a relative of the parish asking for God to help a cousin suffering from leukemia and seeking a bone transplant in Italy.

For Chuck Robertson in hospital.

Prayers for all health workers, doctors, nurses, personal support workers.  For all who have been afflicted and who have succumbed to Covid-19.

For the Canadian Jesuits recently passed away.  Frs. Mike Murray, Peter Larisey, Norm Dodge, FX Johnson, Mike Hawkins, & George O’Neill.   Rest in Peace.

Announcement:  Following Government Guidelines the Diocese parish closure is now extended to June 02, 2020.

For Your Information:

Knights of Columbus has granted the generous amount of $5,000.00 towards the renovations campaign for the Parish.  The Parish thanks the Knights!

The Diocesan Foundation Ex Corde has awarded Holy Rosary Parish the generous amount $25,000.00 towards the renovations campaign.    The Parish thanks Ex Corde Foundation! 

The Car Raffle continues but the draw date will be moved to a future time when the church reopens.   

Offerings April to May 06                                              2,735.00
Pre-Authorized to May 06                                             8,005.00
Regular Offerings                                                            8,150.00
Loose Offerings                                                                   733.60
Total                                                                                 19,623.60

Bottle Drive:  1,097.05
Pantry:            1,865.00
Share Lent:        920.00
Good Friday:      630.00
St. Anne’s:          145.00

Mass was offered today for the repose of the soul of Jane Van Haeren & for the intentions of Veronica Zaviski.       

Thanks to all who have signed up to help CARE FOR NEIGHBOURS TEAM. Those who have been assigned to help a neighbour calling for help continue to please keep a check on them.

Pray the Rosary at 4 PM in your homes offering prayers for end of the pandemic, the sick, the afflicted, nurses, doctors, personal care workers serving in our hospitals and nursing homes.

Mail drop off at the Rectory mail box kitchen door.  Place prayer requests, Mass intentions, messages, envelopes and letters.  The mail box is carefully monitored.  Thanks for your continued offerings.  Very much appreciated.

Dry food items for food pantry can be placed in the grey bin outside office entrance doors.  Thank you!   Also don’t forget to donate your spirit bottles to grey bin to help raise funds for the capital campaign.



Reminder Feast of The Ascension Sunday 9 AM Mass will be live streamed. Instructions are posted on the Parish Website under the “MASSES” header on the home page of website. A link to a recording of the previous Sunday Mass is also available in the same location.

Courage everyone.  Pray.  With my blessing.

Fr. Vernon P. Boyd S.J.


Holy Rosary Parish, 175 Emma Street, Guelph, ON, N1E 1V6

519-822-4701 x  22