Message From Father Boyd – May 21, 2020

May 21, 2020  Eastertide Thursday Sixth Week

Parish Update

To be separated from a loved one is a painful human experience for most people.  When God constructed human life he knew persons would long to be with one another, with family, and loved ones.  It is a rare person who can honestly say they do not seek anyone in this world.  Or it will be a rare person who might say they don’t want, or need, anyone in life.  Persons have been designed to love one another, live with one another, designed to work with one another.  To be separated by choice or force from those we love hurts.  Watch a very small child cry when they see their mother or father leave the house for a short errand.  Notice parents weep at an airport or bus station as they wave their good byes to a son or daughter leaving home for the first time.  Observe a family mourning the loss of a loved one at a funeral and it breaks a person’s heart.  Separation is painful.

In the Mass readings of the day the Apostle Paul is broken in half because he sees a whole community of people choosing to be separated from one another.  Choosing to fight, argue, disagree with one another.  It is breaking the community apart.  It is fighting theologically, intellectually,  and psychologically.  They are fighting over the person of Jesus.  Fighting over the very person who heals the hurts and sting of separation.  Jesus never offered separation as an answer to anything.  Rather he invited persons to overcome the separations and divisions of life.  To work hard to love, to forgive, to help heal division.  This is why Jesus says in a little while you will not see me, but again, in a little while you will see me.  It is said four times in the gospel.  Why?  To get our attention.  Jesus knows we will need someone to be with us when we face great divisions.  To help prevent us from tearing ourselves apart.  And so he prepares the disciples for his departure until he returns.  And while he is away he is saying he will send us the Holy Spirit, to come help us, in all the separations and divisions of the world.  Jesus knows we will not survive if we choose separation as the answer, or separation from God as an answer.  This is why he must leave to bring the Holy Spirit to us.  But he promises he will return.  And just as a little child rejoices when they see their mother or father return home, so too, we rejoice that he will send the Holy Spirit, until he returns again.    (Scripture Ref:  Acts 18.1-8  John 16. 16-20)

Prayers Requested:

  • For those suffering depression, anxiety, and fear.
  • For a relative of the parish asking for God to help a cousin suffering from leukemia and seeking a bone transplant in Italy.
  • For Chuck Robertson in hospital.
  • Prayers for all health workers, doctors, nurses, personal support workers.  For all who have been afflicted and who have succumbed to Covid-19.
  • For the Canadian Jesuits recently passed away.  Frs. Mike Murray, Peter Larisey, Norm Dodge, FX Johnson, Mike Hawkins, & George O’Neill.   Rest in Peace.

Announcement:  Following Government Guidelines the Diocese parish closure is now extended to June 02, 2020.

For Your Information:

  • Knights of Columbus has granted the generous amount of $5,000.00 towards the renovations campaign for the Parish.  The Parish thanks the Knights!
  • The Diocesan Foundation Ex Corde has awarded Holy Rosary Parish the generous amount $25, 000.00 towards the renovations campaign.    The Parish thanks Ex Corde Foundation! 
  • The Car Raffle continues but the draw date will be moved to a future time when the church reopens.   


Offerings April to May 06                                              2,735.00
Pre-Authorized to May 06                                             8,005.00
Regular Offerings                                                            8,150.00
Loose Offerings                                                                    733.60
Total                                                                                 19,623.60

Bottle Drive:  1,097.05
Pantry:            1,865.00
Share Lent:        920.00
Good Friday:      630.00
St. Anne’s:          145.00

Mass was offered today for the repose of the soul of Indu Lall.

Thanks to all who have signed up to help CARE FOR NEIGHBOURS TEAM. Those who have been assigned to help a neighbour calling for help continue to please keep a check on them.

Pray the Rosary at 4 PM in your homes offering prayers for end of the pandemic, the sick, the afflicted, nurses, doctors, personal care workers serving in our hospitals and nursing homes. 

Mail drop off at the Rectory mail box kitchen door.  Place prayer requests, Mass intentions, messages, envelopes and letters.  The mail box is carefully monitored.  Thanks for your continued offerings.  Very much appreciated.

Dry food items for food pantry can be placed in the grey bin outside office entrance doors.  Thank you!   Also don’t forget to donate your spirit bottles to grey bin to help raise funds for the capital campaign.



Reminder Feast of The Ascension Sunday 9 AM Mass will be live streamed. Instructions are posted on the Parish Website under the “MASSES” header on the home page of website. A link to a recording of the previous Sunday Mass is also available in the same location.

Courage everyone.  Pray.  With my blessing.

Fr. Vernon P. Boyd S.J.


Holy Rosary Parish, 175 Emma Street, Guelph, ON, N1E 1V6

519-822-4701 x  22