Message From Father Boyd – May 25, 2020

May 25, 2020  Eastertide Monday after the Ascension

Parish Update

There is not a person alive who will not make a mistake.  Mistakes are a part of life.  The question is if the mistake was intended or not and if one can learn from it.  Most people do not intend to make mistakes yet there are some who intentionally will.  A technical term for this kind of behavior is called willful ignorance.  A person knows something is wrong and yet they go ahead with it.  If a person makes a promise to someone with no intention of keeping the promise, or when someone deliberately deceives a person even though they know it will bring hurt and sorrow this is willful ignorance.  But most people try to learn from their mistakes and try to improve.  And most mistakes in life are not of a very serious nature, yet some are deadly serious.

In the Mass readings today, the apostle Paul, comes upon a group of people who have made a deadly mistake.  They think they are following Christ, but in fact, they do not know him and what he stands for.  There are many people in our world today, in fact many who call themselves Christians, who claim they believe in Jesus, but make many choices in this world, that Jesus would say is a terrible mistake.  Many Christians will make judgements about life, death, marriage, family, poverty, wealth, that would be completely contrary to what Jesus would say or do regarding any of these issues.  This is what Paul faces when he meets a group of people who believe they are followers of Christ but in fact are not.    He points out their mistakes and what happens is amazing.  They listen, they learn, and they are willing to reconsider their previous convictions.  And they fully embrace Christ and all he stands for.  They stand to be corrected.  Many in our world would refuse to make these kinds of changes in their life.   Willful ignorance is a dangerous thing.  In the gospel today, Jesus knows the disciples will face great challenges, persecutions, and many mistakes in their lives.  He knows one of the great mistakes they will make is when trials and tribulations come their way they will scatter and run.  Yet, Jesus is prepared to accept their willful ignorance.   When Jesus says, there will be a time when you will leave me alone, meaning, there will be a time when you run away from me, he reassures the disciples, that it will not alter his love and forgiveness of them.  Jesus has seen worse, even worse mistakes in this world, yet forgives our mistakes if we ask him, when we are willing to learn from them.  Jesus says,  even if you have made a terrible mistake in life, be at peace, take courage, I have conquered the world.  This means Jesus is saying he can conquer the worst of our mistakes, by loving and forgiving, any mistakes.  He is only asking us to listen and learn from our mistakes.

(Scripture Ref:  Acts19.1-8  John 16.29-33)

Prayers Requested:

For those suffering pain, depression, anxiety,  and fear.

For a relative of the parish asking for God to help a cousin suffering from leukemia and seeking a bone transplant in Italy.

Prayers for all health workers, doctors, nurses, personal support workers.  For all who have been afflicted and who have succumbed to Covid-19.

For Fr. Tony Van Hee SJ  pro-life witness,  on Parliament Hill past 29 years, facing court proceedings for his witness to life.

Congratulations and prayers for Hugh & Audrey Peloso on the occasion of their 65th wedding anniversary!

Announcement:    Following Government Guidelines the Diocese has extended parish closure  to June 02,  2020.

For Your Information:

Knights of Columbus has granted the generous amount of $5,000.00  towards the renovations campaign for the Parish.  The Parish thanks the Knights!

The Diocesan Foundation Ex Corde has awarded Holy Rosary Parish the generous amount $25, 000.00 towards the renovations campaign.    The Parish thanks Ex Corde Foundation! 

The Car Raffle continues but the draw date will be moved to a future time when the church reopens.   

Offerings April to May 06                                          2, 735.00

PreAuthorized to May 06                                             8,005.00

Regular Offerings                                                          8,150.00

Loose Offerings                                                                733.60

Total                                                                              19,623.60

Bottle Drive:  1,097.05

Pantry:            1,865.00

Share Lent:        920.00

Good Friday:      630.00

St. Anne’s:          145.00

Today Mass is offered for the  repose of the soul  of Benjamin 15 years old.   Also for the intentions of Maria Funtek.   The Sunday Masses were offered for intentions of Sasha Bucek,  living and deceased of parish, repose of souls of Bryan Drexler, Ronald Charbonneau, Mike Marchesano, & Jane Van Haeren.

For those who signed up for Care for Neighbours Team.   Those assigned please keep a check on your neighbours.

Pray the  Rosary at 4 PM in your homes offering prayers for end of the pandemic, the sick and afflicted, all who have requested prayers for our families, nurses, doctors, personal care workers.  Pray for all in our nursing homes.            

Mail drop off at the Rectory mail box kitchen door.  Place prayer requests, Mass intentions,  messages, envelopes, letters.  The mail box is carefully monitored.  Thanks for your continued offerings.  Very much appreciated.

Dry food items for food pantry can be placed in the grey bin outside office entrance doors.  Thank you!  Also don’t forget to donate your spirit bottles to grey bin outside parish office door to help raise funds for the capital campaign.



Reminder  Feast of  Pentecost Sunday 9 AM Mass will be live streamed.   Instructions are posted on the Parish Website   under the “MASSES” header on the home page of website.  A link to a recording of the previous Sunday Mass is also available in the same location.

Courage everyone.  Pray.  With my blessing.

Fr. Vernon P. Boyd S.J.


Holy Rosary Parish, 175 Emma Street, Guelph, ON, N1E 1V6

519-822-4701 x  22