Message From Father Boyd – May 28, 2020

May 28, 2020  Eastertide Thursday 7th Week after the Ascension  

Parish Update

There will come a moment when Christians will have to testify.  Any Christian who takes their faith seriously will have to take a stand.  This will be true for Christians who were born in cultures traditionally formed in Christian values and it will be true for Christians who were born and live in cultures of many faiths or philosophies.  There will come a time when every Christian will have to stand up for what they believe.  It will not be easy.  In many countries of the world it is a crime to be a Christian and to practice one’s faith.  In some countries it is barely tolerated.  Even in countries that permit the freedom of religion or the freedom to practice the Christian faith one can find subtle and overt forms of discrimination.  This might happen when a person acts out of their Christian values and comes into conflict with governments or regulations contrary to those values.  It may become increasingly difficult, for a young Christian, to become a doctor or a nurse if they refuse to participate in a procedure that does not promote or sustain life.  Or a young person wanting to become a teacher and who might express a certain Christian value could end up losing their job.  These are just a few of those places in life a Christian will have to testify.  And when one does they may lose friendships, family, jobs, and their livelihood.  Some will be shunned and some will lose their lives.  This is the cost of being or becoming a Christian.  It is nothing new.  It happened in the early church and it will happen until the end of time.

In the Mass readings today, the apostle Paul is being dragged off to court to testify.  The people are ready to tear him apart.  But Paul teaches us something about how to testify.  He does not go in the court fighting like a mad aggressive bull.  He is calm, he is confident, he goes in utilizing the principles of logic and reason, and the court becomes confused and is unable to make a decision.  In fact, the court, although it is not Christian, becomes his defender and saves him from the irrational mob.  When Paul is sent back to his cell the Lord speaks to Paul and tells him to keep up the courage for he will have to testify in other places.  To be a Christian then is to testify and be prepared to testify.  What Paul teaches is to testify well one must truly know one’s faith and learn to apply logic and reason.  It is not enough to say you believe something and not know why.  This would be a poor testimony when called to testify.  In the gospel there is another person who gives his testimony.  Jesus testifies before his Father.  He tells his Father all that has been done and accomplished and the disciples are prepared to testify.  It is a testimony of love for God.  A testimony that has endured many trials and persecutions.  Jesus testifies the disciples are prepared and ready.  To be a Christian is to be prepared and ready to testify at a moment’s notice.  Be prepared.    (Scripture Ref: Acts 22.30-23.6-11    John 17.20-26)

Prayers Requested:

For those suffering depression, anxiety, and fear.

For a relative of the parish asking for God to help a cousin suffering from leukemia and seeking a bone transplant in Italy.

Prayers for all health workers, doctors, nurses, personal support workers.  For all who have been afflicted and who have succumbed to Covid-19.

For Fr. Tony Van Hee SJ pro-life witness, on Parliament Hill past 29 years, facing court proceedings for his witness to life.

Announcement:  Following Ontario Government regulations the Diocese now extends the closure of Parish until JUNE 09, 2020. The Diocese and Government are working on health guidelines to follow when the Parish reopens.

For Your Information:

  1. The Car Raffle continues but the draw date will be moved to a future time when the church reopens. 

Offerings April to May 06                                              2,735.00

Pre-Authorized to May 06                                             8,005.00

Regular Offerings                                                            8,150.00

Loose Offerings                                                                    733.60

Total                                                                                 19,623.60

Bottle Drive:  1,097.05

Pantry:            1,865.00

Share Lent:        920.00

Good Friday:      630.00

St. Anne’s:          145.00

Mass was offered today for the intentions of Lucy Wojinarowski on the occasion of her birthday, and for the repose of the souls of Nang Huynh, Marc Hebert, and Vince & Noella Bozzer.

Thanks to all who have signed up to help CARE FOR NEIGHBOURS TEAM.  Those who have been assigned to help a neighbour calling for help continue to please keep a check on them.

Pray the Rosary at 4 PM in your homes offering prayers for end of the pandemic, the sick, the afflicted, nurses, doctors, personal care workers serving in our hospitals and nursing homes.

Mail drop off at the Rectory mail box kitchen door.  Place prayer requests, Mass intentions, messages, envelopes and letters.  The mail box is carefully monitored.  Thanks for your continued offerings.  Very much appreciated.

Dry food items for food pantry can be placed in the grey bin outside office entrance doors.  Thank you!   Also don’t forget to donate your spirit bottles to grey bin to help raise funds for the capital campaign.



Reminder that the Feast of Pentecost Sunday 9 AM Mass will be live streamed.  Instructions are posted on the Parish Website  under the “MASSES” header on the home page of website.  A link to a recording of the previous Sunday Mass is also available in the same location.

Courage everyone.  Pray.  With my blessing.

Fr. Vernon P. Boyd S.J.


Holy Rosary Parish, 175 Emma Street, Guelph, ON, N1E 1V6

519-822-4701 x 22