May 29, 2020 Eastertide Friday 7th Week after the Ascension (Memorial Feast of Paul VI)
Parish Update
Moral theology or the philosophy of ethics studies the question of human freedom. Ethics involves questions concerning human freedom, such as what does it mean to be free, in what ways are we free, are we free to do anything we want, is there a limit to human freedom. Many people believe they are free to do anything they want and act any way they want. In ethics this is called license. And there are many people who believe they have the license to do anything they want. You will often hear some people say this is my body and I can do with it what I want. Such statements involve the question of human freedom. Is it true that a person is totally free to do anything they want even to their own body? Some people will say yes but qualify their yes by saying as long it does not hurt anyone. If this is true, then a person must ask the question, what choices help a person to be truly free while respecting the right of others to be free and without hurting or harming them. Experience seems to tell us good choices usually lead to greater freedom whereas poor choices limit, diminish, human freedom. Ethics looks to answer these questions.
In the readings today, Paul has been arrested and he is in jail. Most people would say Paul has lost his human freedom. However, Paul is teaching us something only the best of ethics teach. A person’s human freedom is not dependent upon physical or their non-physical confinement. Every person can choose to be free or not. Even in jail. Paul knows something that has taken him a lifetime to learn. Human freedom is derived from God. It is given to us by God who freely loves. God is the author of love. It is God’s gift for human freedom to flourish. Human freedom to love and be loved. Paul can love in jail, and he can love even his accusers who physically confine him. He is free. The world thinks he is confined but love can never be confined. A jail cannot confine love, nor is it confined when one is paralyzed, or sick, or in the hospital, or during a pandemic lockdown. Human freedom is love given to others. It never hurts or harms human freedom. If we choose to do whatever we want and exclude love, or the love of others to be free, then we are not truly free. Human freedom is rooted in love. It considers only the good of others. When Jesus asks Peter, three times, do you love me, and Peter answer three times yes, this is a critical moment in the history of love. Peter has arrived at the summit of human freedom. He is prepared to be taken where Jesus now asks him to go. Many in our world will not go where Jesus wants us to go. Many prefer to go to that place where they can do anything they want. But Peter is teaching, and Paul is teaching us, to be free is to love God. God shows us the way for human freedom to flourish. (Acts24.27 25.13-21 John 21.15 19)
Announcement: Following Ontario Government regulations the Diocese now extends the closure of parish until JUNE 09, 2020 . The Diocese and Government are working on health guidelines to follow when the Parish reopens.
Prayers Requested:
For those suffering pain, depression, anxiety, and fear.
For a relative of the parish asking for God to help a cousin suffering from leukemia and seeking a bone transplant in Italy.
Prayers for all health workers, doctors, nurses, personal support workers. For all who have been afflicted and who have succumbed to Covid-19.
For Fr. Tony Van Hee SJ pro-life witness, on Parliament Hill past 29 years, facing court proceedings for his witness to life.
For Ashley Kinsheneg of Manitoulin Island for his healing.
For Your Information:
The Car Raffle continues but the draw date will be moved to a future time when the church reopens.
Today Mass is offered for the intentions of Lucy Wojinarowski, and for the intentions of Marguerite on the occasion of her birthday.
For those who signed up for Care for Neighbours Team. Those assigned please keep a check on your neighbours.
Pray the Rosary at 4 PM in your homes offering prayers for end of the pandemic , the sick and afflicted, all who have requested prayers for our families, nurses, doctors, personal care workers. Pray for all in our nursing homes.
Mail drop off at the Rectory mail box kitchen door. Place prayer requests, Mass intentions, messages, envelopes, letters. The mail box is carefully monitored. Thanks for your continued offerings. Very much appreciated.
Dry food items for food pantry can be placed in the grey bin outside office entrance doors. Thank you! Also don’t forget to donate your spirit bottles to grey bin outside parish office door to help raise funds for the capital campaign.
Reminder Feast of Pentecost Sunday 9 AM Mass will be live streamed. Instructions are posted on the Parish Website under the “MASSES” header on the home page of website. A link to a recording of the previous Sunday Mass is also available in the same location.
Courage everyone. Pray. With my blessing.
Fr. Vernon P. Boyd S.J.
Holy Rosary Parish, 175 Emma Street, Guelph, ON, N1E 1V6
519-822-4701 x 22