Monday June 01, 2020 Ordinary Time (Feast of Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of the Church)
Parish Update
There exists in human nature a perverse and pernicious condition. A condition that so often wants to blame others for its unfortunate faults, missteps, or mistakes. Rather than taking ownership for one’s own fault it looks for reasons beyond oneself. It likes to blame social structures, political structures, economic structures, or anyone for that matter can become a target to blame: family, friends, teachers, politicians, media, leaders. One can call it the blame game. A game that has been played throughout history. A game played out in these past number of days as we see the images of cities unravel as mobs fueled up in anger loot and burn and destroy their own cities. As one listens to all the voices for the reason it is happening everyone else is to blame but oneself for something that has gone terribly wrong. Few name the fault in oneself. Few work to bring reconciliation and peace for the injustice. If human nature chooses to blame others for past or present mistakes then the fault shall never get resolved. Blame will just continue to the end of time, or until it ends up destroying cities, nations, homes, and families.
Today is the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of the Church. A feast recently established by Pope Francis, celebrated on the first Monday after Pentecost. The Mass readings take up the whole question of blame and blaming others and give a better way to find the answer to grave problems in our world. The readings choose a better way to find peace and reconciliation in our world. The first reading is the famous account of Adam and Eve who make a terrible choice. And when God finds out about the terrible choice they begin to blame one another. And when that does not work with God they push the blame on the devil. It is the blame game. Everyone else is at fault but themselves. The story is an attempt to show how quick human nature avoids responsibility for one’s own action or inaction. When millions watch on social media, and see four police officers standing by watching a man die, the blame game has begun. It is the story of Adam and Eve blaming one another. Rather than admitting wrong has been done, and correct the wrong, there is the desire to find excuses, or find others at fault.
The gospel today shows a better way than blame. Jesus is on the Cross. He doesn’t blame anyone. He only forgives everyone. To those standing at the foot the cross, ourselves included, who so often blame and inflame others, or blame God, or blame everyone and anyone, for our ills or the ills of the world, Jesus says to his mother, here are your sons and daughters. Today Jesus assigns his mother to be our mother. Jesus knows she will show us a better way. She doesn’t hold blame in her heart towards any of us who have put her Son on the Cross. Rather she loves us, and calls us to love, to do penance, to correct the ills, and forgive. Mary is teaching us how to forgive and to let go of blame and she helps us to heal the most pernicious condition of our human nature. The nature to blame. (Scripture Ref: Genesis 3.9-15,20 John 19.25-27)
Following Ontario Government regulations the Diocese now extends the closure of parish until JUNE 09, 2020. The Diocese and Government are working on health guidelines to follow when the Parish reopens.
Prayers Requested:
For those suffering pain, depression, anxiety, and fear.
For a relative of the parish asking for God to help a cousin suffering from leukemia and seeking a bone transplant in Italy.
Prayers for all health workers, doctors, nurses, personal support workers. For all who have been afflicted and who have succumbed to Covid-19.
For Fr. Tony Van Hee SJ pro-life witness, on Parliament Hill the past 29 years, facing court proceedings for his witness to life.
For Ashley Kinsheneg of Manitoulin Island for his healing.
For Your Information:
The Car Raffle continues but the draw date will be moved to a future time when the church reopens.
Today Mass is offered for the intentions and needs of our families and parish living and deceased. Weekend Masses were offered for repose of the souls of the parish, the Zardo family, Benito Favretto, & Gloria Anita Walker.
For those who signed up for Care for Neighbours Team. Those assigned please keep a check on your neighbours.
Pray the Rosary at 4 PM in your homes offering prayers for end of the pandemic , the sick and afflicted, all who have requested prayers for our families, nurses, doctors, personal care workers. Pray for all in our nursing homes.
Mail drop off at the Rectory mail box kitchen door. Place prayer requests, Mass intentions, messages, envelopes, letters. The mail box is carefully monitored. Thanks for your continued offerings. Very much appreciated.
Dry food items for food pantry can be placed in the grey bin outside office entrance doors. Thank you! Also don’t forget to donate your spirit bottles to grey bin outside parish office door to help raise funds for the capital campaign.
Reminder Sunday 9 AM Mass will be live streamed. Instructions are posted on the Parish Website under the “MASSES” header on the home page of website. A link to a recording of the previous Sunday Mass is also available in the same location.
Courage everyone. Pray. With my blessing.
Fr. Vernon P. Boyd S.J.
Holy Rosary Parish, 175 Emma Street, Guelph, ON, N1E 1V6
519-822-4701 x 22