Message From Father Boyd – July 24, 2020

Friday July 24, 2020

Parish Update

Just a reminder to parish that there is a 5 PM Saturday Mass and a 7AM, 9AM, & 11AM Mass this weekend. Thanks for your attendance and patience regarding the health measures.  A reminder the By-Law is asking all to strive to wear a mask.  Also, a few brief update items.

The website has been updated with an electronic copy of the parish bulletin for this weekend.    You will see for the whom the Masses are offered.    A special thank you to all the team members  sanitizing and cleaning the church after each mass.   The parish is grateful to you!   The Food Pantry is full.  Thanks for your generosity.  We can suspend any food items at this time.    However your spirit bottles are welcome to be brought to the grey bin outside.  We have collected over $2000.00!     Thanks to Paul Clarke for cutting down the dead trees and clearing the stumps on the property.    And thanks to Cecilia  and her team who have made the property more beautiful than ever!

Important date to keep in mind.  The Mass on the Feast of St Igantius of Loyola will be celebrated on Friday July 31, 2020 @ 11 AM.  Join with the Jesuits celebrating this mass at 11 AM!   Due to health measures we will not be able to hold a reception as we have in the past.  But next year!    Those who might be wondering there will be the normal 9 AM Mass on that Friday as well.

Fr. Vernon P. Boyd S.J.


Holy Rosary Parish, 175 Emma Street, Guelph, ON, N1E 1V6

519-822-4701 x  22