Viewing the 9am Sunday Mass

You are invited to witness the mass celebrated weekly at Holy Rosary at 9 a.m. EDT each Sunday on your computer or mobile device. We are using the Zoom webinar platform, which requires you to register with an email address. Your email address will not be used for any marketing purposes.

Some people have had issues connecting to the webinar – they are seeing an error message stating that they have the wrong/invalid meeting ID.  We suggest that you please update your Zoom client on your device to the latest version available  to address this issue. Note that the meeting ID for all Sunday masses beginning on April 25, 2021 will stay the same.

To connect with the broadcast on a computer, please follow these instructions:

  1. 1) To give everyone a chance to settle in for mass, we invite you to connect about 8:55 am.
  2. 2) To listen and watch, click here.
  3. 3) If you are running Microsoft Windows, a window will appear asking for permission – click ‘allow’.
  4. 4) This will automatically connect you to the broadcast on the internet.
  5. 5) Close your browser window when the broadcast has finished.

If you are using a mobile device, complete these steps (one time only):

  1. 1) To connect on your phone, you must first download and setup the Zoom app to your phone (first time only – give yourself 10 minutes to do these steps).
  2. 2) Go to the app store on your phone, and search for Zoom Cloud Meetings.
  3. 3) Install the app.

To connect with the broadcast on a mobile device, please follow these instructions:

  1. 1) To give everyone a chance to settle in for mass, we invite you to connect about 8:55 am.
  2. 2) To listen and watch, click here. The Zoom app will automatically open.
  3. 3) Close the Zoom app when the broadcast has finished.