Pastoral Care
Our Pastoral Care ministries are founded on cura personalis, which is Latin for “care for the whole person.” Cura personalis comes down to the respect for all that makes up each individual. As St. Paul reminds us, “the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body…” (1 Corinthians 12:12)
Pastoral Ministry – Home Visiting
There are Pastoral Ministers able to join you at home for company and conversation. A member of the Home Visiting Team will make a plan with you for a scheduled visit on a short term or long term basis. It is important to note that the volunteer is not able to provide nursing care, housework or transportation. There are local agencies which provide these services.
Pastoral Ministry – Communion to the Sick
There are Communion Ministers available to bring the Eucharist to you If you are ill and unable to get to church. A Communion Minister will set up a scheduled time. He/She will come and say some prayers with you and offer the Eucharist.
Pastoral Ministry – Bereavement Team Group
The Holy Rosary Bereavement Team will offer a 6-week support program for people who are experiencing loss or grief. The sessions are based on Bill Webster’s programs. This program is offered only if there is enough interest.
Members of the Bereavement Team are also available for one-on-one conversation.
Pastoral Care Requests
Call the Parish and leave your contact information and someone from the Ministry will be in touch.